Fitting Tribute Funeral Services helps New Yorkers of all creeds and faiths design uplifting, affordable end-of-life experiences that tread respectually on the earth: green burials within the five boroughs of New York City and upstate, home funerals, cremation services in Brooklyn’s Green-Wood Cemetery, heartfelt farewell rituals of all sorts.

Respectful, natural care of the body is paramount. Creativity, kindness and thoughtful advanced arrangements are part of the formula too. Founder Amy Cunningham was profiled by The New York Times for generating interest in the back-to-basics funeral, and listed among the “Nine Most Innovative Funeral Professionals” in the country by FuneralOne, a leading voice for change in the industry. We believe that sustainable, artful, personalized funerals empower families, and give everyone an enlarged appreciation of the deceased as well as the world we share. We honor the dead, comfort the living, and celebrate the magnificence of each individual.




Wake in the Home

Now, for the rest of my life, I know that I gave my sister a first class funeral, one that will be remembered by all... You guided me in such a loving, caring way that I will always remember your sincerity, your professionalism, your kindness, your sensitivity, your creative mind.
— Cindy Smith | Brooklyn
I’ve never written a check with so much confidence that it was money well spent. I’m so glad + grateful that we met.
— Diane Rosen
Amy Cunningham IS green burial in New York.
— Don Byrne | Piedmont Pine Caskets
You were such a calm presence in the storm; I’ll never forget your warmth and kindness.
— Jo Allen | Arlington, Virginia
Even though you never knew [my husband], there is an affinity that he would truly appreciate.
— M.Mayer| Brooklyn
Thank you for making this painful event one that honors my husband as well as the earth from which he came.
— E.S.

Get in Touch


Give us a call

Office: 718-338-8080
Fax: 718-377-8388

send us a letter

1283 Coney Island Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY, 11230 (Map)

